Amazing weekend to report to all youse via my blodge on the innernets. Meggers to me to some Brazilian music and a hot date afterward Friday, but that was just the start. Saturday I worked on my bike all day (dropped it off at the powder coating place today, going to plating place tomorrow, engine together this week!), then Andy Levy called to tell me he had tickets to the USA - Venezuela soccer game. Killer seats, not a bad game -- Venezuela played sloppy, the US failed to finish, but sneaked one in in the 97th minute. Thanks Levdog! Then it was on to see Youth Brigade (not-so-Youth-Anymore Brigade?) and Adolescents. YB killed it, then somebody had to be taken out by EMTs during the Adolescents, so Joe Dirt, Craig and I went next door to start Joe Dirt's b-day celebration!

Sunday finished up some bike shit, the met the crew down at Conspire for the mini-rumpus band jam. Saw a lady wearing cat ears walking up and down the street, and on her second or third pass she put up this flier. Skateboarding cats? Crazy cat lady?
Dephinger played. I think they're some new Vegan-core band now or something.
Dickburgular stands up a grind on his creation.
Cool art at Conspire.
We had to break out and skate some pools. No photos of skating this one, but killer fish tile.
Backyard damage.
Joe Dirt's got stairs on his B-day, yeah!
Livingston, I presume?
Walking down the alley saw a bizarre site: a baby chair hanging 8 feet off the ground in a tree. Do they really stick junior out there when he's naughty?
Hoss and I grabbed a beer at the ghetto mart down the street. Full security windows for the cashier, like at a bank, and crack pipes for sale on display.