Got the call on Saturday from Court and Dixon: they cleaned a cool deck Roman. When those three words are uttered in combination, it generally provokes nothing stronger than contempt in the mind of the pool aficionado. Sure, I've skated a few good Romans. Sure, there are a few decent cool deck pools out there. Court was claiming C+, Dixon, however, said it would be great. High profile spot, on the corner of a main street, low fence, but the gate was open and the pool was asking for it. We got in and commenced commencing. Tall deck. one side was killer, the other the tranny faded quickly to mega vert. It was grindable, so we all grinded it.
Paddock skimmer cover plate worked perfectly for the drain.
Dickborg lays into a FSG.

Since there was some foot traffic, and a couple kids walked by, I figured I would poke my head over the fence to make sure my car wasn't getting fucked with. I saw a dude standing there, just standing there, and it raised my suspicions. I shared them. They were shrugged off. Five minutes later we hear the female cop's voice: "How did you get in? Come out here so we can talk." She had a smile on her face, so we knew right off the bat it wouldn't be a problem. She was likely in her late 20s, and asked who the oldest person there was. That would be Hoss, at 52. We marched to the street, and she said, "I feel like I'm treating you like 16-year-olds, but can you have a seat on the curb?" It's the public display of police presence that will satisfy whoever called. We were all checking texts, sending photos, etc., while she ran our names. Of course nobody has a warrant. Another officer shows up, laughing as he gets out of the car. Dixon says he's been busted by him in the past. He says, "I think what you guys do is awesome, but you can't do it here." He asks Hoss: "What does your wife think about this?" Hoss reply? "It's a don't ask, don't tell situation." We drive away laughing, relating stories of worse busts, realizing that in terms of getting popped for skating in a backyard, we just had one of the easiest and funniest experiences of our lives.