I haven't skated in over two months. It's fucking driving me crazy. After breaking my arm on my birthday -- a nasty break through the head of the humerus -- and spending all winter with a broken wing, I was looking forward to skating all summer. I took some runs in May, and things were looking up. I trip to Phoenix in June had me stoked -- skated some pools. but coming home my knee was sore. I ignored it and skated a few more sessions, at Hellgate, Attleboro, and Sam's. In fact, the last time I skated was the last time I posted -- my knee gave out after that. I thought I could rest it for a while and it would get better, but it just got worse and I became completely hobbled. First trip to the doctor led to a diagnosis of a bone bruise, and to see someone else if it didn't get better soon. A couple weeks later it was worsening, and I had to go to an urgent care clinic on July 4 as I couldn't walk, which led to the MRI. The next Dr. said the MRI looked clean, and gave me a shot of cortisone. If it still hurt in 2 weeks, I had to go back. Two weeks later and I still couldn't walk properly, and as he entered his office, he remembered me, told me he would refund my co-pay because he couldn't do anything about it, and told me to see a third Dr. The third Dr. said it was likely a radial tear in my meniscus, which might not show up in the MRI. He said I could opt for surgery or try to do PT to get stronger and take the pain away. I told him I would go for the latter, but my knee continues to get worse. I'm signing the consent for for surgery Tuesday and will schedule it as soon as possible. This will be my fourth knee surgery, second on my left knee, and my 10th surgery overall. Summer is out, but I hope to catch some fall sessions before hell freezes over.
Been working on some bikes and my truck. And I've caught a few sessions. Yesterday we did some work on a DIY spot in Providence, went for a swim in Sloppy Sam's pool, then hit Attleboro. I was happy to be a spectator and shoot some photos. I miss Attleboro; last year I was there twice a week. Below, local Ben has gotten better and better, buttery FS Smith.
Dusty blasts a lien -- not the best angle, and the flash kinda bounced off his pale hide, but you get the point. Below, Pete Stroke has a much bigger bag of tricks than the last time I saw him skate, and powered through BS roll ins. I've been into taking roll in photos later...
Couple weeks ago caught the Water Bros Surf Fest IV. Thrasher ran a brief web deal (here), but here are a couple more: Top, Dug e Death FS boneless, and below TA rips a FSG. Thanks for the good times!