Saturday, October 22, 2011

Evidence XXXIII: Polished a turd

Got back to the pool we drained the other day, with the nosy neighbor. It wound up being kinda kinky, with a weird right hand wall. A couple runs ito the session, neighbor on the other side starts playing with kid on the swing -- time to wrap it up. Everyone grinded, and we were out.

Crazy old house, huge overgrown backyard, very old school Phoenix, with a kink sink in the back thast had slate deck for coping. Not worth bucketing, but I've always liked the 20th Century Pools logo, especially since we're in the 21st century. Apparently Hoss and B-Rad like it too.

Hoss spotted this one, but when we got there the hose was in it and they were filling it up. We asked thee kids lived there when we walked up if we could skate, and they said it was too steep because they are street skaters. ?????!!!!

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