Sunday, November 13, 2011

Evidence XXXVII: They Killed Our Pool

Didn't know I had Friday off until Thursday at 3. Some of the Dakine team was in town to shred, so I took 'em to Adam's. They commenced commencing: Willis Kimbel, FSA. The article should be out in a while. They also tore the shit out of Charlotte's, but I forgot my camera for that session.

We now say goodbye to the Hobbit Hole/Pockets/Pool of the Millenium. The owner was letting us skate, and then he told a reporter friend about it. Instead of talking to us, unfortunately she found some folks online and asked if they wanted to skate. The owner wanted 3 guys there, some of the guys who skate it on the regular. I was disheartened when we showed up and there were about a dozen of them there, including some younger folks. Hoss and I asked the cameraman to not blow it by portraying us as criminals, etc., the usual mass-media hype. We also wished to remain off camera. We left shortly thereafter, but apparently after we left one of the kids fell and got a gash and the owner flipped about getting sued. He was also pissed that there were so many people there. He shut it down -- after allowing us one more day to skate. So Saturday was our goodbye session. A bad series of events and some bad decisions led to us losing something that we'd been taking care of for over 1.5 years. Pools come and go, but few better than this was.

Nice to see Bender in town, discussing coordinates with B-Romulan.

B-Romulan, FSG, shallow end.

On the last day we were there, I counted the number of tiles: 212. Four were missing, and there were only 35 tiles that did not have a grind or boardslide mark. Tight work all.

This is the aerial view. So long Hobbit Hole, sorry to see you go.

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