1.5-year-old evidence.
Hoss in the deep before massive hipper.
Jesse gets the shallow pocket.
So it all started with Dixon and Courtney deciding on a Pool of the Year, i.e. "This one's so good, it's gonna be Pool of the Year." There are two pools that we've hit recently that are former Pools of the Year, and they are still referred to by that name. So Hoss found this one, Brad, Hoss and I were the first to skate it, and it was so good, I told those guys that this was for sure the Pool of the Year last year (2010). We told a few guys, brought Dixon and Court there, and Dixon, ever cynical, declined to give it POTY honors because it has tile coping. But that's pure cynicism. This is one of the best pools I have ever skated in my life -- the trannies are amazing, the shape is killer, the scene is cool as fuck, the lines are mind blowing. So as a result, we decided "Fuck Dixon, it's 2010, we haven't skated any pools better than this during this millenium, so it's Pool of the Millenium." We later got silly and started calling pools Pool of the Trimester, Pool of the Day, Pool of the Week, Pool of the Minute, Pool of the Fiscal Year, etc., etc. And this one has a couple other names from the guys who rejected the POTM label: Hobbit Hole (because of the small door you get through when we used to go through the arroyo to get there), Pockets, and a few others. We hit this thing hard last year, two or three times a week for a month or two, then it cooled off. Then for Thrasher's King of the Road, I was tasked with taking the Nike team to 4 pools in one day. POTM was third. Marissa del Santos was their mystery guest, and one of her challenges was to grind a pool frontside. We went there with about 40 minutes of light, sessioned, and then she went for the grind in the butter pocket. Granted, she was hurt, but this was the easiest pool in the universe. Some people don't got tranny skills (but she can jump down stairs, etc.). The sun was going down, so they wanted to set up lights and really blow it out. I said "fuck it" and also told Rhino, their photographer, that I was gonna jump the fence should a cop show up. 20 minutes later, no grind, and a cop showed up, walked right up to me so I had no time to escape. I tried to explain we were just skating, but he cuffed me. He took everyone's IDs, then realized that people were from Boston, LA, Portland, San Diego, wherever, so long story short he let us go (and didn't write anyone's names down). I let it cool for a while, but went back, but hew close to the 20-minute rule. Others don't and others have been busted (that's what you get for sessioning for 1.5 hours, I guess). Nobody's been arrested, but if they take your name once, and you get caught again, you go down. I avoided a bullet, and still count on getting my one warning if so happens. But I'll stick to the 20-minutes and out rule to make sure it doesn't. Haven't skated there in about 5 months, but Hoss, Jesse and me hit tonight -- for 20 minutes. I almost don't want to post it -- enough people know about it that I don't want to remind them -- but I ain't telling anyone where it's at. It's on the market for $800,000, but you gotta tear down the house and rebuild...