Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Evidence LXXVI: Lurking Backyards

Hoss has a few spots to check, so we went with Brad on a mission. This square actually looks decent. We'll be back. 
This square, however, was a hell pit. 
No tranny... 
But a killer plaque. Hoss liberated it later. 
Poor little critter met its demise. 
We went back to the first square for a closer look. 
Yep, we can roll that. 
Completely refurbished house. I scoped the pool, and went back to the alley to tell Hoss and Brad it was a go. As we were squeezing in to the backyard through the fence and between the oleander, there was a guy standing right there looking at us. Hoss, the silversmith with the silver tongue, introduces himself and asks if he minds if we skate. "No! That's cool!" the Austrian skier exclaims. We had to do some heavy sweeping, but the pool looked amazing, although the coping had been knocked off. We could hear how hollow it was, though, and sure enough cancer developed with the first run. We all grinded it, and split. The good natured Austrian took it all in stride, watched us skate, and wished us good luck. He was the next door neighbor.
The evidence is corroborated. 
Hoss gets his. 
Brad does similarly. 
Back to the hotel pool, but too much water to bucket with not enough time. 
Found another very close to home, this thing looks killer. Tonight we ride, possibly? Or tomorrow? 
Don't know why all of the pool logos are loading sideways, but there you go...

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