Thursday, August 9, 2012

Evidence LXXVII: Homage to Sean

This is a pool that we scoped the other day. Looked good, but it was kind of a hell pit. Cancerous, a dozen or so hets with broken tops, a kink or two, and the diving board wasn't going anywhere. A good friend, Sean Dutton, lived here a decade or so ago. He used to rip, got into drugs, and around that time was back into skating again. He'd come skate our ramp, Area 69. When he lived at this house, he had a pool party. He set up a janky ski slope into a jump ramp into the pool. It was rickety as shit, and we all thought we were gonna eat shit trying it, but we all came out a live. It was fun. Sean died a couple years ago, heroin overdose. Miss that guy. Grinds were tough to come by in this one, but Livingston steps up, frontside. 
Don't worry, it's only sleeping. 
Craig got a couple grinders too.

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