Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Evidence LXXXVI: Fibrewidow

Did some scoping with Hoss the other day, and came across this gem. A solid 1.5 feet of shitty, black water, and a lot of debris. We decided to come back to clean it. Called a few folks to get them in on it -- after all, it's easier to clean with 3 or 4 than it is with 2. Everyone flaked.  
Yep, it's another Master Pools pool.
Went back, just Hoss and me, and started working. There were the most black widows I have ever seen in one place in this thing. The photo above wasn't even the biggest one. When it comes to black widows (and scorpions), I am on a seek-and-destroy mission -- anything that can potentially kill me, I will kill it first. A friend asked me if I thought that was "bad mojo." Nope. Self-preservation. There was a lot of debris, palm leaves, plastic barrel, cement blocks, toys, coffee mug, and thick, black goo.
But it's empty. Dunno why I can't trun this sideways, tried four times and gave up. Gonna get this one today. It's fibreglass, but only one or two small tears and a couple jets, killer shape, killer tranny, no light in the deep, tile coping.

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