Killer trip to Boston to visit Meg, summed up by a chimpanzee flashing her boobs. Yep, that's Boston.
Did a tour of part of the Freedom Trail. FFRREEEEEEEEDDDDOOOMMMM! Yeah! Tons of grave dating back to the 17th century, many have skulls and crossbones, skulls and wings, full skeletons, etc. Apparently the Puritans did not like depictions of the sacred (angels, cherubs) on their graves, considered them heresy, and preferred the profane. Freaking' cool as shit.
The answer is "yes."
Last night in Beantown equals lobstah dinner, stuffed clams, beer, rolls and salad. Thanks Meggers! Miss you, see you soon.
Meg's got this picture of us at the Shady Dell in Bisbee. This is in Sept 2011, after 9-11, before we were engaged and after we'd been dating a couple months long distance. Probably spent a total of 8 days hanging out when this was taken. My '64 Valiant and the 12' homemade trailer. Great times (and I had all of my fingers back then).
Had to throw this one in there. This is in Tempe the day before I left. Apparently someone drove through a jizz storm and hadn't yet washed their car? Disgusting!
Jizz storms are the worst.