So after spending some time painting the bell-shaped pool, now named "White Line Fever" for obvious reasons, we went back to shred. Tough nut to crack. The jacuzzi wall in the shallow has no tranny, and speed can be hard to come by. It started to open up, however. Then the cops came. They snuck up in the yard of the abandoned house net door, and then one of the cops hopped up and straddled the cinder block fence. Looked uncomfortable. He popped up right when Craig started a run, so he watched until CRaig was done. Joe asked if someone called, cop said yes, we said, "OK we're out." No ID check, no guff, we just walked out. Perhaps we'll be back after a cool-down period... Session got cut short, no time to plaster a sticker or get good photos. Top is Joe, FSG, below is Brad grinding the love seat (PH: Hoss).
We hightailed it to the other Anthony -- special this week, paint one, get one free. Craig, BSG, Below: Hoss, BSG.
Joe, FSG. Below: Evidence.
Back to the Foundry to stoke the fire and tell some tales. Court's on point with the bag of peanuts. The discussion turned to "cakefarts." Google it, watch the video, NSFW.
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